segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2007

Portugal tem falta de deputados...

Segundo um novo estudo publicado pelo CEPR (DP6417), Portugal deveria ter 247 a 248 deputados e não os 230 actuais, assim dizem E. Auriol e R. Gary-Bobo em On the Optimal Number of Representatives. O estudo tem em conta o total de deputados em países com duas câmaras. Assim, enquanto Portugal tem 230 deputados, a Espanha tem 605 (e deveria ter 414); a França tem 898 (deveria ter 546); a Itália tem 945 (570); a Alemanha tem 740 (661); o Reino Unido tem 651 (527); os Estados Unidos tem 537 (808); e a Holanda tem 225 (326).

Fica o abstract: "
We propose a normative theory of the number of representatives based on a stylized model of a representative democracy. We derive a simple formula, a "square-root theory" which gives the number of representatives in parliament as proportional to the square root of total population. Simple econometric tests of the formula on a sample of a 100 countries yield surprisingly good results. These results provide a benchmark for a discussion of the appropriateness of the number of representatives in some countries. It seems that the United States have too few representatives, while France and Italy have too many. The excess number of representatives matters: it is positively correlated with indicators of red tape, barriers to entrepreneurship and perceived corruption. "

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